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除了滅菌監測外,3M為您提供Clean-Trace ATP 清潔監測系統,用于軟式內鏡、手術器械和患者密集接觸的物件表面清潔監測。
1. Cleaning Hospital Room Surfaces to Prevent Health Care–Associated Infections: A Technical Brief; Jennifer H. Han, MD, MSCE *; Nancy Sullivan, BA *; Brian F. Leas, MS, MA *; David A. Pegues, MD; Janice L. Kaczmarek, MS; Craig A. Umscheid, MD, MSCE; Ann Intern Med. 2015;163(8):598-607.
2. Snyder GM, Holyoak AD, Leary KE, Sullivan BF, Davis RB, Wright SB. Effectiveness of visual inspection compared with non-microbiologic methods to determine the thoroughness of post-discharge cleaning; Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 2013 2(1):26.
3. Mulvey, D. et al., Finding a benchmark for monitoring hospital cleanliness; Journal of Hospital Infection, 2011 77(1):25-30.
4. Luick L, Thompson PA, Loock MH, Vetter SL, Cook J, Guerrero DM. Diagnostic assessment of different environmental cleaning monitoring methods; Am J Infect Control. 2013 41(8):751-2.
5. Smith PW, Gibbs S, Sayles H, Hewlett A, Rupp ME, Iwen PC. Observations on hospital room contamination testing; Healthc Infect 2013 18:10-3.
6. Malik RE, Cooper RA, Griffith CJ. Use of audit tools to evaluate the efficacy of cleaning systems in hospitals; Am J Infect Control 2003 31:181-7.
7. Branch-Elliman W, Robillard E, McCarthy G Jr, Gupta K. Direct feedback with the ATP luminometer as a process improvement tool for terminal cleaning of patient rooms; Am J Infect Control 2014 42:195-7.
8. Smith PW, Beam E, Sayles H, Rupp ME, Cavalieri RJ, Gibbs S, et al. Impact of adenosine triphosphate detection and feedback on hospital room cleaning; Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2014 35:564-9.
9. Sitzlar, B, Deshpande, A, Fertelli, D, et al. An environmental disinfection odyssey: Evaluation of sequential interventions to improve disinfection of Clostridium difficile isolation rooms. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2013;34(5):459-465.